Attention Restaurant Owners:
"Here’s The Quickest and Easiest Way to Explode The Profitability of Your Restaurant…
Applying Proven Strategies and Tactics Only Used by The World’s Top 7% of Restaurant Owners…
…to Skyrocket Your "Spend Per Head" and Get an Avalanche of 5 Star Reviews on Google, TripAdvisor & Other Review Sites…"
Gaining Guests Who Become Raving Fans - Coming Back to Your Restaurant Time and Time Again (Often Bringing Their Friends, Family, Colleagues, Business Partners and so on)…
Finally Making Your Restaurant Business Incredibly Lucrative and a Pleasure to Own - Instead of The Time Consuming, Stressful, Low Profit Nightmare Many Restaurant Owners Face Day in Day Out…

From The Desk of Chad Newman
Restaurant Consultant
Harrogate, England
If you own or manage a restaurant, and you’d like to be in the enviable position of having literally NO COMPETITION… because your restaurant offers an experience for your guests that is unmatched at the price point… then I’d like to invite you to read on carefully because that’s exactly what I can do for your
I can put you in a league of your own!
My name is Chad Newman and I’m a Restaurant Consultant. I help restaurants to master their Front of House Service, to the point where the overall experience is so high…
Guests can’t get enough of you…
Visiting your restaurant time and time again… often spending thousands of pounds with you over the course of months and years…
…referring you to everyone they know…
…only too happy to leave you AMAZING reviews on Google, TripAdvisor and other Review Sites…
Of course, this all leads to a much more pleasant and profitable experience as a restaurant owner or manager.
Sounds good? Stick with me…
Is THIS The #1 Secret to Running a Highly Profitable, Successful Restaurant?

You probably don’t need me to tell you that the restaurant business can be tough. During the 2019 lockdowns, when restaurants in the UK weren’t allowed to open, one study reported that the average UK restaurant only had enough money in their bank account to last 2-3 weeks without opening.
Clearly, most restaurants are running "hand to mouth" - earning just enough money to keep the lights on from month to month. And it doesn’t get much better even if you have Michelin Stars or a Celebrity Chef. In Harrogate, where I live, two famous Celebrity Chefs had restaurants that had to close down.
At any given time, the competition in the restaurant world is fierce. If you don’t deliver the experience your guests want, there’s likely several other places in town where they can get similar food, at a similar price.
The question becomes:
"What Can You Do, In Your Restaurant, To Elevate Yourself Above The Competition, Build A Loyal Client Base Who Come Back Time And Time Again… And Completely Explode Your Profits?"

That, my friend, is what I’d like to share with you right now…
Back in 2014, long before I started my business as a Restaurant Consultant, I got promoted to manager at an American Diner in my home city of Leeds.
The diner served decent food - probably average or slightly better given the price point - and the restaurant itself was pleasant enough (American themed, good music, plenty of things to look at and keep guests and their children entertained).
However, the restaurant had one big problem - the front of house staff! They were poorly trained and had no idea how to treat guests. As a result, the diner had a TripAdvisor score of 3.4 - which was hurting our ability to attract new guests to the restaurant.
Over the course of the next 6 months I completely re-trained the front of house team. To the point where we still sold the same food, had the same theme and decor… yet now we offered a genuine 5 Star experience for our guests. From the moment they walked through the door, to the moment they left.
We ended up with a front of house team that outclassed the service at many restaurants charging 2-3X what we did.
The result?
An explosion of TripAdvisor Reviews that took us from an average of 3.4 stars to 4.5 stars… so many new guests we were fully booked up on Friday and Saturday nights 3-4 weeks in advance... a loyal customer base who came back again and again, often bringing friends, family and colleagues with them…
And, of course, a literal EXPLOSION in profits.
I’d be honored to help you achieve similar results in your business. First though, let me explain a little more about why I believe (and have proven with real world results) that the customer experience your front of house team offer your guests is the #1 secret to:
- Increasing your profits, and…
- Your restaurant(s) being successful in the long-run…
There Are Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Restaurant Business…
I learned this from Jay Abraham - possibly the greatest business thinker and strategist of all time. Jay explains that there are really only 3 key ways to grow your business:

You get more customers…

You increase your Average Order Value (Average "Spend Per Head" in restaurant terms)…

You get your customers to buy more frequently…
Everything else - like switching suppliers, putting up flyers, hiring new staff, radio commercials, tweaking your menu, putting offers on Groupon and anything else you care to name - is just operations and "tactics." The above 3 ways are the only true ways to GROW your business.
Applied to your restaurant, what does this mean?

You can try to get people through the door who’ve never eaten at your place before. This is the most tricky and expensive way to grow your business.

You can try to get guests to spend more money while they’re in your restaurant.

You can try to encourage those guests - existing customers - to come back more frequently.
Honestly, to have a thriving restaurant business you need to do all three. But the second and third strategies - getting guests to spend more money, and getting them to come back more frequently - are the two cheapest and easiest ways to grow your business.
Why? Because you’ve already acquired those guests, and acquiring new ones is always more time consuming and expensive than getting existing ones to spend money with you again.
Here’s the key point:
Optimising your front of house service - and making the overall experience of eating and drinking at your restaurant truly outstanding - is The Key to making all of this happen.
Optimising your front of house service is the key to:

Getting 4 and 5 star reviews - which is absolutely crucial to attracting new guests to your restaurant for the first time (an average Google or Trip Advisor Rating of less than 4.5 Stars makes it difficult to attract new guests… an average of less than 4 stars can be the Kiss of Death for a restaurant)

Increasing your average Spend Per Head (if the experience is fantastic, guests won’t want to leave… they’ll want to buy more drinks, enjoy dessert, coffee and so on)

Getting guests to come back time and time again - why would they eat elsewhere if your restaurant offers a level of service and an overall experience that is miles better than the competition?

Getting guests to recommend you to friends, family, coworkers and so on - people will only refer you to someone they know if your restaurant is truly outstanding... and the fantastic thing about referrals is that they’re FREE! You don’t have to spend a penny on advertising to get them… simply offer an outstanding experience to your guests!
And yet, despite all those benefits, the crazy thing is:
Studies show that 70% of restaurants DO NOT train their staff on customer service at all1… 60% of UK diners are willing to spend MORE for excellent service2… and a poor FRONT OF HOUSE experience is a top reason customers don’t return3…
Here’s the Good News for your restaurant:
If you choose to become my client, I’ll show you exactly how to… optimise your front of house service, to the point where it’s so good that you get incredible reviews, your Spend Per Head goes through the roof, guests come back time and time again, and you get so many referrals you’re booked up weeks in advance.
The only prerequisite for this to work is that you need to offer good food at the price point. It doesn’t have to be GREAT food, though it certainly helps! But it must be at least roughly as good as the competition in your area.
What if You Fail to Optimise Your Front of House Service?

I find it shocking how bad front of house service is in most restaurants. Especially since lockdowns in 2019. That period of time definitely seems to have pushed service backwards.
Waiters are educated in "health and safety" - constantly asking if you have allergies - but have no clue how to treat guests. I often find front of house staff to be unfriendly, disinterested, slow, moody, miserable or worse. Then they expect a tip at the end of it!

Many restaurants have eroded the customer service in their establishments in a variety of ways - including putting up various barriers between their front of house staff and guests. A great example is encouraging people to order via QR Codes and Virtual Menus…

These tactics might seem like a good idea… progressive, modern, "high tech" and so on… but in reality they are cold, disconnected, and just plain difficult and unpleasant for many guests to use… Especially those who are older or not tech savvy. They also reduce the opportunity that your staff have to "Wow" your guests - leading to fewer upsells, lower spend per head, no way to differentiate yourself from the competition…
…and ultimately: lower profits!
If a restaurant operates with this poor standard of customer service, then even if they serve amazing food, guests often won't be keen to come back.

The restaurant industry operates mostly with terrible front of house service. You can get away with it for a while. But if you just do what everyone else does, you’ll end up with similar results - a "hand to mouth" business that is only ever one minor crisis away from serious financial difficulty…
Or having to close its doors altogether.

If you want a strong restaurant business, where you serve a never-ending stream of happy, delighted guests… and your bank balance is always flush with cash… then you must optimise your front of house service…
And I’d be delighted to help you do it, using the strategy I’ve perfected over the course of the last decade.
Here Are Just a Few of The Things I Can Optimise in Your Restaurant When You Become my Client:

How to greet guests in a way that makes them feel valued and appreciated - this sets the tone for them to have a fantastic experience in your restaurant (where they’re willing to spend as much money as possible because they simply don’t want to leave!)

The 3 things your Front of House staff must do when seating guests - most front of house staff miss at least 1 of these points (immediately irritating guests, and therefore making a high spend per head less likely… and a 5 Star Review, repeat custom and referrals extremely unlikely)

How to engage with guests, increase rapport and sell more - do this correctly and everyone wins… your guests love the experience, spend per head goes through-the-roof… and you, dear restaurant owner, make more money!

The easiest way to upsell drinks to guests - in a totally non-pushy way that makes it feel like it was all their idea (dramatically INCREASING your profits)

How to deliver drinks professionally and elegantly - MOST waiters and waitresses get this WRONG (even at high end restaurants)… I’ll show your staff how to do it the right way, leading to a much more pleasant experience for your guests

7 secrets to serving wine correctly - get this right and it makes your guests feel like they're in a really high class establishment (and usually makes them want to buy another bottle or two!)

The ultimate guide to taking your guests food orders and communicating this with the kitchen… no more incorrect orders, wasted food or guests who are unhappy!… Plus… more upsells than ever before (which of course = a greater spend per head, and increased profitability)

How to deliver food to your guests in the classiest, most impressive way possible… I’ll show you how to carry 4 plates, who to serve first, how to ensure guests are delighted when their plate is put in front of them, and so much more

The correct way to inquire about your guests' food and drink so you can catch problems early and fix them fast (if your staff say "is your food okay?" or "is everything alright?" - then you have bigger problems than you could ever possibly imagine)

How to make your front of house staff as efficient as possible - the benefits here are endless: turn tables quicker, seat more guests… get guests their food and drinks quicker (with fewer errors)... ensure your staff are less stressed, and happier at work… and more…

When and how to clear a table efficiently and elegantly - without disrupting your guests

Dessert Order Mastery - how to ensure your guests evenings end sweetly… with dessert and coffee (and a much higher, more profitable spend per head)

3 Steps to taking payment from your guests in the politest, smoothest way possible - get this right and big tips are more likely, as are 5 Star Reviews and referrals (but get it wrong - like 85% of restaurants do - and it’s a great way to annoy your guests, take the shine off an otherwise fantastic experience, and quite possibly lose future custom)…
And so much more!
How Can I Help Your Restaurant Business?
There are 3 main ways that I can help you to improve your Front of House Service, increase your Spend Per Head, get more repeat custom, referrals, 5 Star Reviews and ultimately: make your restaurant more profitable:
Get The 5 Star Front of House Mastery Training Course

Access to "Front of House Mastery" Training Course

Structured Training Session

One Month Post-Training action plan

Printable Handbooks for your staff

Printed handbooks (1 per FOH staff member)

Private consultation

My Personal Email Address

Detailed report with recommendations for your Front of House Service

Bespoke Training Course delivered by me at your restaurant

One month post-training check in consultation
Bespoke Front of House Training for Your Restaurant(s)

Access to "Front of House Mastery" Training Course

Structured Training Session

Two month post-training action plan

Printable Handbooks for your staff

Printed handbooks (1 per FOH staff member)

Private consultation

My Personal Email Address

Detailed report with recommendations for your Front of House Service

Bespoke Training Course delivered by me at your restaurant

One month post-training check in consultation
5 Star Front of House Mastery Training Course + Private Consultation

Access "Front of House Mastery" Training Course

Structured Training Session

One Month Post-Training action plan

Printable Handbooks for your staff

Printed handbooks (1 per FOH staff member)

Private consultation

My Personal Email Address

Detailed report with recommendations for your Front of House Service

Bespoke Training Course delivered by me at your restaurant

One month post-training check in consultation
Once you become my client, my highest priority is seeing your restaurant succeed, and I’ll be totally committed to that result.
How to Become a Client Today…

If you’d like me to personally consult for your business - and do some in-restaurant training for your staff - that’s great!
You’re clearly committed to optimising your Front of House Service, increasing your Spend Per Head, gaining momentum with your Google and TripAdvisor Reviews…
…and of course - exploding your profits.
Imagine it…

Instead of running a "hand to mouth" restaurant business - where you don’t really know for certain if the lights will still be on in 3 months time…
…instead: you’ll have so much PROFIT you’ll be laughing…
How you use that profit is up to you…

Will you open more restaurants?...
Buy the restaurant building instead of renting?...
Treat yourself to a fancy sports car, piece of fine jewelry or that luxury holiday you’ve always dreamed of?...

Maybe you’ll invest it in a pension and ensure your financial security for decades to come, spend it on your kids, or even give it to charity?...
Whatever the case, it’s up to you! And this kind of financial success and freedom can be your reality when I show you how to elevate the Guest Experience in your Restaurant to the point where you quite literally have no competition.
But, hold on.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
My services are in high demand and I don’t work with everyone. There are two prerequisites to working with me that you should check you satisfy, before you get in touch:

Does your restaurant serve decent food? As in - roughly as good as your competition? If it does, GREAT! I can help you. If it doesn’t - if your food is below par for the price point in your area - then you need to get that fixed before I can help you.

You must be willing to invest some time and money into your Front of House Mastery - because I’ll need to consult with you, and train your staff. Both take some time (although no more than necessary) and both come at a cost. Rest assured though - whatever you pay me will show up many times over in new PROFITS in your restaurant.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and helping your restaurant to thrive.
To learn more, please reach out to me at:

Or call or text me at:

*If you call me and I don’t answer, please leave me a brief voice message
And please, don’t be shy! If you’re unsure of what to say, just drop me an email or text saying:
"Hi Chad, I’m INSERT YOUR NAME and I’m interested in your Front of House Training. Please tell me more."
And I’ll get back to you within 1 working day.

Chad Newman
Restaurant Consultant, Founder of 5 Star Front of House Mastery
P.S. Here’s some recent feedback from restaurant owners who I’ve helped to improve their Front of House Service…

Jamie, Restaurant Owner

David, Restaurant Owner

Hannah, Restaurant Owner
Chad was a pleasure to work with and brought his passion for great service, knowledge and skill into our restaurant. We struggled to find time to put a robust training plan together. We knew we had to make a change to ensure our team could deliver the best possible service.
Chad took his time to analyze the core aspects of our current service and developed a plan for us to be able to train our staff and manage their performance. There was a good mix of theory and practical training which was encouraging to see. Chad brought the fun factor which the team responded to in a positive way and maintained the motivation they clearly needed.
The training was really focused on delivering outstanding service which would encourage customers to write 5* Google/trip advisor reviews. We came up with a plan to incentivise our staff to suggest sell to help drive average spend on a daily basis. Chad demonstrated some great examples of this.
Our service has gone from strength to strength, increased reviews, revenue and returning customers.
Chad still has follow up meetings with us to ensure we stay on track and continue to deliver the plan that was put in place.

Martha, Restaurant Area Manager
The restaurant brand I work for was searching for a way to increase our online reviews, because we understand how important they are.
I found Chad’s website and scheduled a call with him the very next day. I loved his energy and passion for truly amazing service, and booked him to come and train at one of our restaurants in London.
The training was fantastic. It was expertly delivered, broken up nicely and really motivated our staff. Within just a couple of weeks we were starting to see five star reviews trickling, all complementing the service as well as the food.
We decided to have Chad train the staff at the rest of our 7 restaurants. The results have been seen at each and every one and the reviews are flooding in.
A nice extra benefit is that we’ve seen our Spend Per Head increase by £4.79 over the course of 2 months. Chad truly is an expert in hospitality service and we can’t thank him enough - I’ve already booked him to deliver the Front of House training at our new Bournemouth site later this year.
About Chad

Chad Newman is one of the world’s leading Front of House Restaurant Consultants.
He is most famous for helping restaurants create exceptional dining and social experiences for their guests - leading to more repeat custom and many new guests acquired through word of mouth. Of course, all of this leads to more revenue, more profit, and reduced financial stress for restaurant owners.
Chad’s passion for hospitality started at age 16 when he got his first part-time job waiting in a restaurant in his home city of Leeds. Over the course of 10+ years he’s worked or aided in every position you can think of in Restaurants. From Waiter to Chef, Supervisor to General Manager - he has an abundance of experience in all areas of hospitality, in both independent and large chain restaurant brands.
In the majority of places Chad began working, he kept seeing the same problem over and over again… Managers that weren’t given the tools to enforce quality standards, and waiting staff that didn’t care and weren’t inspired to provide an exceptional experience for their guests.
In turn, Chad realised that by failing to provide an exceptional experience for their diners, restaurants were missing out on repeat custom and the acquisition of new guests from word of mouth.

Diners have so many options these days, if one restaurant fails to meet their expectations, they simply won’t go back. And if a restaurant consistently fails to meet its guests expectations, the likely outcome is average or terrible reviews on Google and TripAdvisor - which is a disaster for the future of a restaurant.

So he set out to solve these problems in every restaurant he worked at.
One of his greatest achievements to date is turning around a struggling American Diner which had only 3.4 stars on TripAdvisor, constant complaints from diners, and empty seats every night of the week. Within 6 months, Chad got the reviews up to 4.5 stars on TripAdvisor, and Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights were often fully booked. Sometimes 3 or 4 weeks in advance.
This all led to increased revenue, and greatly increased profits. And the interesting thing is that Chad didn’t change anything on the menu. Instead, he changed the quality of the service and inspired the waiting staff to genuinely care about their guests.
Chad has proven that improving front of house service - and giving restaurant guests a truly amazing experience - is THE simplest and most effective way to ensure the long-term success of your restaurant… because you’ll be inundated with guests who love to come back, raving fans who tell all their friends and family to eat at your restaurant, much better reviews online and from critics… and of course: higher revenues, increased profits, happier, more loyal staff and so on!
To find out more about how Chad can help you improve the front of house service in your restaurant - click here now.
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- https://www.revenuemanage. com/wp-content/uploads/ 2024/04/Q1-24-RMS-Resta urantConsumers-UK.pdf
- https://www.revenuemanage. com/wp-content/uploads/20 24/04/Q1-24-RMS-Restaur antConsumer s-UK.pdf